Friday, October 01, 2010

Take a Bite!

So my story, First Time Fang Bang made the last 32 of the All Romance Ebooks Just One Bite contest. If you'd like to read it and maybe give me a vote I'd be really grateful, thank you.

dsd b

There's 32 paranormal erotic stories there in total and you can read them all free of charge. You do have to sign up to All Romance Ebooks, but it's a simple little form and you can opt out of any email and I imagine many of you will have accounts there already anyway. It's very little trouble for access to all those hot little stories and to help out one of your favourite authors! *grins*

First Time Fang Bang
is in Pair 12 and you can vote for one author in each pair. My story is set at The Point, the Vampire bar that is the centre of all my Point Vamp books and in it Carrie decides to give the bar a visit. She's heard stories about The Point and wants to see what happens there for herself. She gets more than she bargains for when she gains the attention of Jean and Sebastian, two very tall, dark and handsome vampires.

I hope you enjoy reading it and I appreciate each and every vote, thank you!

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