Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Come over to the Phaze chatters yahoo group today and enjoy a full day of chat and banter with me, Victoria Blisse.

I'll be sharing lots of excerpts, running a competition to win a copy of any Victoria Blisse eBook you'd like and I will be telling you all about what I'm going to get YOU for Christmas!

So take a few minutes out of your pre-thanksgiving schedule to come and say hello to me in the

Phaze Chatters Yahoo Group

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Need a new car?

A good friend of mine is a super dooper car salesman type person and also a bit of a whizz with a video camera. Here He is combining the two:

Jackson Imports Commercial-Making of.

It's well worth a view, just for the classic look on the bosses face at the end when he realises Flannel has been filming him. :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pop over to romance excerpts only

and read lots of hot excerpts, find out all the news and discover the new hot, hot, hot Victoria Blisse Competition.

I'll be there all day today, the 30th January!