Friday, September 11, 2009


I got some great news today,my story The Scent of Pine has been accepted by Xcite to feature in another of their hot, high quality anthologies.

As you know, I have a special soft spot for writing Christmas Stories and The Scent of Pine is a story about a young married couple who rip each others clothes off the minute the in-laws leave the house after visiting them for Christmas. However, they don't realise that someone is watching them through the window until it's too late.

Xcite are going to feature this hot little Christmas tale in their Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler .

The anthology will be out in November giving you plenty of time to purchase it or to drop hints to your dearly beloved to get them to buy it for you!

I am thrilled to have another story accepted at Xcite to go with the two that feature in Ultimate Curves. I think I might just have to do a happy dance!