Monday, December 06, 2010

Merry Blissemas!


Well, Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat and it's time for feasting, celebration and gift giving. So I'm going to get in on all of those aspects with the next 15 days being filled with a blog every single day!

And I'm going to be giving you the chance to win some awesome prizes! All you will have to do is comment on my blog posts. Every comment made will count as an entry into the draw, the only restriction is that only one comment per blog will count! So if you comment every day that'll be 15 entries into the contest!


So, what will you be able to win? A veritably cornucopia of prizes!

The Grand Prize will be a signed, print copy of Curvaceous with a host of Blisse goodies including bookmarks, memopads, postcards and pens and some yummy chocolate treats to enjoy whilst you read your book because lets face it, all stories are better with snacks!

Second prize will be a $10 gift certificate for Xcite books which can be used on print books or titles for your ebook reader.

Third prize will be a selection of signed Victoria Blisse goodies.

And ontop of this I will give way 12 ebooks, one each for the 12 days of Christmas!

4 copies of Christmas Spirit warms the Heart
2 copies of Stopping Point
2 copies of The Point
2 copies of Restoration
2 copies of Moon Shy

So all in all that is 15 prizes you could win. 15 folks!

I will get my gorgeous assistant (my husband) to draw 15 names out of my wooly, winter hat on the 22nd December and all downloads will be emailed to the winners that same day and the physical prizes will go out the next day in the post.

So what do you have to do again? Well, it's simple visit every day between now and the 21st December and comment on each day's blog making sure you fill in your email address in the relevent box when you comment and wait 'til the 22nd December to see if you've won.

Also you could review a Blisse book on All Romance Ebooks, Amazon UK, Amazon US or Goodreads and send the link to your review to me at victoria @ victoriablisse. co .uk (no spaces) and you will be rewarded 5 extra entries for every review you write!

So, realistically, if you put up your Blisse book reviews on a few different sites for a few different books you could easily double your entries! Oh, I am good to you, aren't I?

I look forward to chatting with you over the next couple of weeks and wish you good luck in the draw, let the comments commence!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Last Time to Fang Bang!

No, sorry, I mean final chance to vote for Frist Time Fang Bang, I got a bit mixed up then. *grins*

Due to your AMAZING turn out in the last round my hot vampire Threesome story, First Time Fang Bang has made it into round five of the Just One Bite Contest. The FINAL!


It's not over yet, I'm up against the amazing, the lovely, the sensational Selena Kitt so I still really need you to turn out and vote for First Time Fang Bang because she's one heck of a tough cookie and I mean that in the nicest possible way! I'd love to come in first place but I can only get their with your help.

So please vote and email me victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces) to tell me you've voted and I will send you a copy of Lyrical as a thank you! Here's the blurb so you can see what you're getting!

Living in a world of lyrics, she sings his song and he is powerless to resist. Peter is anti-social. He doesn't speak to a soul at work and listens to his music 24/7. He thinks he is too fat to fit in. Rock chick Chloe disagrees and slowly pulls Peter out of his shell. She finally wins him over with her beautiful singing voice but he just does not know how to deal with this beautiful woman and her lusts. Does Chloe have the patience to teach him to play her song to the rhythm of their shared sensuality or will he be forever doomed to a solitary life with only his music for comfort?

Please hurry on over to All Romance Ebooks and vote as The final finishes at midnight SUNDAY 31st October so there's not long left to vote!

And then I'll be back to my non-vote obsessed self! Honest. Thanks again for your overwhelming support!

I've informed the 10 personalised story winners via email (yes, I got over 600 votes in the end!)and the winner of the night of the Sense print book. I'm not listing them all here 'cos there's so many but check your email accounts if you voted and entered the contest! Thank you all! I appreciate every vote, I really do. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Last 12 Hours to Vote!

Well, less than that now. First Time Fang Bang is still in need of votes even though I have broken the 500 votes mark! Thank you all so much for your help! I am bowled over by all the votes and I know you must be getting a little sick of me harping on but the end is nigh. If I get through to the final it will winish on Sunday, so please, help First Time Fang Bang into the Final.


I've been getting great feedback from you about my hot little vampire threesome, I'm glad you are enjoying it as I had great fun writing it! If you've not read it yet please pop on over to All Romance Ebooks and check out the Just One Bite Contest and give it a read then a vote if you're so inclined. Email me victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces) to let me know you've voted and I'll send you 2 free reads and put you in the draws to win a Print copy of Night of the senses and 1 of 5 short, personalised stories. If I get to 600 people I will DOUBLE the number of personal stories I give away to TEN!

If you've read and voted already, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I appreciate it a great deal. But I'd love it if you'd help me get the word out about First Time Fang Bang. Tell your friends about it, ask them to vote and email me and YOU will get an extra entry into the personalised stories draw.

Tweet it or facebook it

@victoriablisse Read First Time Fang Bang and vote in the Just One Bite Contest and Win Big!

and I'll give you an extra entry. Post about it on your blogs, and on forums you frequent and email me the link and you can have an extra entry for every link you send me. Lets get the word out, lets get to 600 votes and let's get First Time Fang Bang into The Final!

There is no doubting the competition is tough, really tough and I admire greatly all my competitors but I still want to win, that's not evil, is it? :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You are all awesome and I am happy to announce that not only have I smashed the 300 vote level, I have exceeded 400 as well! I am completely over-awed by your response. I am truly grateful for every single vote I've received.


So, on top of giving away a copy of Night of the Senses as promised I want to give something more. So if my vote total hits 500 votes or more I will give away 5 personalised stories. Yep, 1 for every 100 votes. Each story will be 1000 words and will be written to your specification. It can be about anything, for anyone and in any genre. I'll use the specific names and features you tell me and I can write adventure, romance, humour, erotica- whatever you want I can write it for you and you will have your story in time for Christmas, so if you want something a little different to give to a special someone this year then you need to make sure you vote and let me know you have done so.

Of course, you should read each story first and vote for the one you prefer. If you vote for my esteemed competitor please email me and I'll let you have my free reads anyway. It's all about chosing the story you love the most.

The good news is that all those who have already voted and have emailed me to tell me so are already in the draw! So please pass the details onto all your friends. Currently I need 60 more votes to reach 500 and I only have 'til Thursday at midnight EST to get them. So every vote counts!

You could post it to twitter

@victoriablisse vote in the Just One Bite Contest and Win Big!

Or post it on facebook or simply use email or word of mouth or pigeon post, whatever works for you. I will appreciate it and will give you an extra chance to win, two if you tweet AND facebook me (oooh, that sounds rude!)

So, in short, let everyone know to vote in the Just One Bite Contest! When you have read First Time Fang Bang and voted for whichever story in the pairing you feel is best email me victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces) and let me know and I will send you 2 free reads, add your name to the list to be in with a chance of winning a copy of Night of the senses (print and signed by me) and give you the opportunity to win 1 of 5 personalised stories when I get to 500 votes.

Yes, I have discovered my competitiive streak and yes, all this will soon be over. So please vote whilst you still can. Thank you very much.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things are so much closer in this round and I can't believe I've still asking for votes when I've got over 400 already. Thank you all for your kind support.

So First Time Fang Bang needs your votes. Please pop over to ARE and vote.

Then when you've voted email me victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces) and I'll send you 2 free reads for your efforts (new ones for this round!) and as I have already broken the 300 mark in votes again I will be giving away a copy of Night of The Senses signed by me once the voting is over. Check out on Saturday for the winner announcement!

I only got this far with the help of your votes, thank you all again so very much. I really do appreciate it and giving you all some free reads is the very least I can do. You Rock!

Don't forget, Selena Kitt's story, The Fortune Teller needs votes too! In fact if you let her know you've voted using this form then you can have a copy of her Taboo or Mythology collection if she wins her pairing!

And come Thanksgiving you will be able to get THREE anthologies filled with all 32 Just one Bite Stories. First Time Fang Bang will be in volume two -isn't it a pretty colour, I love it!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Please vote in Round 4!


First Time Fang Bang my hot vampire threesome story is into the last 4 of voting in the Just One Bite Contest. I can't believe I've managed to get so far but I've only been able to do it with your help so thank you all so very, very much. I'm thrilled to have gotten to the last 4. Yep, from 32 authors and 30 hot stories mine has stuck into the competition 'til the last rounds. I am completely amazed and really thankful for all your support. I appreciate every single vote.

So First Time Fang Bang needs your votes again. Please pop over to ARE and vote.

Then when you've voted email me victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces) and I'll send you 2 free reads for your efforts (new ones for this round!) and if I break the 300 mark in votes again I will give away a copy of Night of The Senses signed by me!

I only got this far with the help of your votes, thank you all again so very much. I really do appreciate it and giving you all some free reads is the very least I can do. You Rock!

Now, I got to 300 votes in round 3 so I need to pick a name. Congrats Nikki T, I will be emailing you about your prize soon.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Round 2:Vote again and Win!

Firstly I give a big, big, big, HUGE thank you to all of the people who voted for me in round one of the Just One Bite Contest and I am thrilled to announce that First Time Fang Bang has made it through into Round 2!


So I am asking you all again to turn out and vote for my hot little vampire threesome, First Time Fang Bang in Pair Six and if you then email me and let me know I will send you 2 free Victoria Blisse Stories as a Thank You. So log into your All Romance Ebook account and vote for First Time Fang Bang then send me an email victoria @ victoria blisse .co .uk (no spaces) and the books are yours.

Also, the moment my votes click over 300 all those who have emailed me will be put into a draw to win any three ebooks from my back catalogue, any three at all that you'd like. So please pass this on to all your friends, thank you!

And now I can announce the winner of the copy of Curvaceous promised in my last contest. Congratulations Sarah T! I will email you and ask for your address so I can send you your signed prize and goodies!

Thanks again for all your support and votes. I have truly been overwhelmed by the numbers of you who did vote for me in the last round. It's very humbling.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Vote for Me and You Win!

Vote for First Time Fang Bang in the All Romance Just one bite contest and receive two free exclusive and spooky stories from me and be put into a drawing to win a copy of Curvaceous.


Yes, that's right. Just one little vote on First Time Fang Bang, a hot little vampire threesome story gets you two free, spooky reads and possibly the chance to win a signed copy of Curvaceous which is no longer in print.

Go to:

and vote for First Time Fang Bang by Victoria Blisse in pair 12 then email me at victoria @ victoria blisse. co. uk (no spaces) with "I've Voted" in the subject line and you will receive your free reads in return. You can also send me a message through facebook to tell me you've voted or send a direct message over to me at twitter, just remember to tell me your email address so I can send your freebies and enter you into the draw.

If you retweet my competition on twitter or post it on your facebook you will be put in a draw to win a copy of Moon Shy, my latest Total-E-bound paranormal release. make sure you put @victoriablisse in your tweet or your facebook post so I will be tagged and will be able to see it and enter you into the draw for the copy of Moon Shy.

Also, if the story reaches 150 votes by the end of voting on the 7th October 2010 every person who has informed me of their vote will be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of Curvaceous which is set to become a collectors item as it is no longer available to purchase.


So, that's 3 different prizes you could win for voting for me and passing on the message to your friends. If the vote turn out way surpasses 150, well, then maybe you could all win something more. It is up to you now my friends, go forth and vote, it's well worth your while.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Take a Bite!

So my story, First Time Fang Bang made the last 32 of the All Romance Ebooks Just One Bite contest. If you'd like to read it and maybe give me a vote I'd be really grateful, thank you.

dsd b

There's 32 paranormal erotic stories there in total and you can read them all free of charge. You do have to sign up to All Romance Ebooks, but it's a simple little form and you can opt out of any email and I imagine many of you will have accounts there already anyway. It's very little trouble for access to all those hot little stories and to help out one of your favourite authors! *grins*

First Time Fang Bang
is in Pair 12 and you can vote for one author in each pair. My story is set at The Point, the Vampire bar that is the centre of all my Point Vamp books and in it Carrie decides to give the bar a visit. She's heard stories about The Point and wants to see what happens there for herself. She gets more than she bargains for when she gains the attention of Jean and Sebastian, two very tall, dark and handsome vampires.

I hope you enjoy reading it and I appreciate each and every vote, thank you!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do you want a sexy read?

Check out my blog at and find out all about the new website that helps you do just that.

Thanks, enjoy!