Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to me! I want to give YOU a present!

It's my birthday today and as I've recived loads of cool presents ( recipe book, candles, gorgeous body pampering things, a necklace, new bra and more) I want to give some away so if you want to win one of these three prizes:

Prize one: A copy of the Phaze in Verse ebook along with a special prize package including an Elizabeth Amber book mark, two cuddly Russ Doggies and a Victoria Blisse Fridge Magnet and signed business card.

Prize two: A copy of Coming together for the Cure in ebook along with a prize package that includes a “really useful home book” full of quotes, weights, measures and other information as well as space to write out your own notes! Also you’ll get an Elizabeth Amber bookmark and a Victoria Blisse fridge magnet and signed business card.

Prize three: A copy of Coming Together volume 1 in ebook with a prize package including three scented candles (a big fig candle, a sugared almond candle in a tin and a chocolate truffle candle in a tin), a pen, an Elizabeth Amber Bookmark and a Victoria Blisse fridge magnet and signed business card.

You need to sign up for my newsletter which I'll be sending out at 10pm GMT!

go to

and sign up to my newsletter (top right corner) if it's later than 10pm GMT on the 10th October then you'll find the competition in my 2nd newsletter in the Archive but I will be checking that competition entrants have signed up to my newsletter to be eligible to win one of the prizes, so make sure you sign up!


blessedheart said...

Happy 29th birthday, Victoria! You are giving away some lovely prizes. This is my “Birthday prize entry” although I feel a little odd when you're the one who should be receiving gifts! I hope you have a fantastic birthday!

Rhonda :-)

Stacia said...

Happy birthday, Victoria! Today is a very special day for me as well - my mom turns 50 today. Hope you have a wonderful day! This is my Birthday prize entry as well.

acdaisy95 said...

Happy Birthday, Victoria! This is my Birthday prize entry. Hope you have a blast on your birthday!

CelticFireGem said...

Happy Birthday! After reading that story, I need to find my husband...*G*

This is my Birthday prize entry.